April 17, 2023 Meeting



Agenda Item

Pre-Read Materials


Outcome / Next Steps

Agenda Item

Pre-Read Materials


Outcome / Next Steps

Benchmarking 1.9 and figuring out scalability goals, where we stand what we want to achieve.


@Yogesh Pandey 

Working with Som on simulators which can be used for benchmarking.

Meanwhile few issues identified and fix in progress.

Introductory talk for community.cncf.io 4/27 at 6 PM PT.


@Lucas Gonze @Shubham Tatvamasi @Jordan Vrtanoski 

Townhall / Talk projects have merged.

We are on for on Thu, May 11, at 6:00 pm PT. We need a pic and bio for presenters.

Ben- look into operational part of this, will we need to use bevy or just zoom.

1.9 release


@Yogesh Pandey 

AGW builds are still having issues. 

Some of the jobs in CI are failing. 

Ben - reach out to max on status of above, per Som this was part of handover CD/CD work

Hardening branch protections


@Lucas Gonze 


In meeting Lucas reviewed a set of mitigations in the above gist, each was discussed and it was agreed which ones would be adopted. 

Joining OpenSSF




In meeting Lucas broached topic of joining OpenSSF, agreement this was a good idea and to move forward.

