January 30, 2023 Meeting



  1. Congrats to the new TSC chair, Jordan Vrtanoski!
  2. How we want new TSC to work. There has been a high level proposal focused on Features, Security and CI/CD. Let’s hear if there are other proposals and vote on this
    1. Idea: spin of working groups, lead by:

      Head / Lead / Volunteer

      Community Transition

    2. next groups:
      1. ineroperability? / integration testing?
  3. How do we plan to engage the community
    1. low hanging fruit - people asking questions in slack. He proposes the TSC to help answer these questions which will help with community engagement. 

    2. Github discussion panel  (https://github.com/magma/magma/discussions), more than 60% are unanswered. Currently unmonitored.

  4. Open issues in Security that we need to address urgently
  5. Open issues in CI/CD that we need to address urgently
  6. Magma Roadmap
  7. Other
