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Agenda Item | Background Docs & Links | Owner | Notes / Actions / Next Steps |
Updates on Release 1.9 | - #15164: td-agent version pinning
- #15217: NMS yarn test (unit test) failing
- #15222: Summarizing the current state of CI Issues.
- Discuss DevOps workflows for patch-level semvers if we move from 1.9 to 1.9.0 label. Can we have smaller + more frequent releases?
| | - Yogesh → blockers for 1.9 are done, security issues remain, undecided if all in scope for 1.9
- Yogesh → Devops activity tracker link. (please provide feedback)
- Yogesh → Link for modules tracking (by next tsc meeting all modules should be covered)
- Kader ->create feature proposals. Yogesh will breakdown #15254 into smaller proposals (< 15 man days if possible)
July 24th Updates: - Lucas → Sec Fixes
- Needs conversation for which sec fixes are in scope for 1.9 (should happen today)
- C++ migration and how to do sec review (lots of code, not enough people to do code review), path forward is to be aware but go forward anyway
- Want to enable warnings in C++, have not done yet. Yogesh , will be talked about next wed.
- Max → things not fixed in 1.9 should be disclosed
Yogesh →
July 31 Updates - Yogesh → identified 5/6 security prs, will post to sec group
- Ben → Create TSC vote on each item in devops tracker, check budget
OpenSSF Best Practices Badge | | | See also doc. Next Steps: - Ben → create vote for acceptance
Bug Bounty Program |
| Next steps: Create Readme on github- Jordan review readme
- Bounty issues
tagged - decided and bounty amounts voted on
Proposal to move Magma to LF Connectivity | Request for comments on a proposal to move Magma to Linux Foundation for connectivity to facilitate more symbiotic community growth: - Discussed in last two outreach meetings
A channel has been set up to gather and answer questions # - Shared folder with proposal and FAQ (read-only)
- Doc to collect questions from community (read/write)
| | - magma-lfc - magma - Slack
| Som Sikdar is checking with LF and LF connectivity for timeline and process | Jul 31 Updates - Formal invitation expected
Outreach Report | No working meeting last week. Latest updates in MagmaOutreach-meeting-6.8.2023 - Google Docs Upcoming town hall meeting planner - July, 2023 - Town Hall planner
Secured Town Hall keynote speaker Magma @OSSEU Planner Sept 18th 1/2 day | | - July townhall skipped, will target mid-august
- Magma at OSS EU, Bilbao Spain Monday, September 18 at 9:00 - 12:30
July 31 Update - August town call coming up soon
- OSS EU also coming up soon
- Need messaging and speakers
- Onsite and virtual (one way)
- Speakers have to be onsite
Other: | General discussion on interest in eBPF project (migration from OVS) | @Pravin Shelar | Pravin → " Hello, I have created channel for eBPF and asked for adding developers that are interested in contributing, But I did not get any response yet. " #magma-ebpf Som → reach out for status update. | OpenSSF Best Practices Badge | https://githubcom/magma/magma/issues/15212 | | |
TSC Election | Special TSC Election For Max's Seat | |
Newcomer introductions | Max five minutes to learn about people who are new to the group | | Move To LFX Platform For Meetings | LFX has a tool that allows us to manage zoom meetings. I'd like to transition the TSC meeting to that tool by end of the month. Highlights: - You will get a new invite (note I will just invite current TSC folks and folks who regularly attend)
- Meeting will still be on shared calendar.
- Meeting can still be public
- Meeting will be auto-recorded
- The only change, you will have to login with your LFX id
| | This is complete, let ben know if there are any issues. |
Reminder to Review Latest Q&A | | |