S. No. | Work Item | Discussion Items | Comments/Remarks |
1 | Release 1.9 Planning (High) | - Discuss on CPU and Memory performance issues of 4G on 1.9
- C++ Migration of 4G code
- Ownership of 4G Testing using commercial tools for verification and scale test
- Items that will be covered for 1.9
| Priority: High Contents of 1.9 - C++ Migration of 4G
- 5G NSA features
- Artifactory movement
- 5G Verification on radios
- Regular bug fixing as part of CI/CD
2 | Debian based tests (Medium) | - Going forward need to see the focus area (Debian or Docker based)
- Doing both takes considerable time especially during release time.
| Post 1.9, idea is to narrow it down to one option in order to reduce the testing time. Any security considerations to be taken up with dockers. |
3. | 4G test tooltool (High) | - Good to have benchmark before 1.9 branch fork.
4. | Sustenance and maintenance of the stackstack | - Defect fixing
- Providing community support
- Fixing stack related vulnerabilities and testing the changes
5. | Post 1.9 Roadmap items | - Feedback from the community.
- Few of the experimental options can be taken up.
- Any performance improvement.