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Lucas Gonze

Micky Kumar

Raphael Defosseux

Vijaykumar  Tawker

Yogesh Pandey

Som Sikdar


Agenda Item

Background Docs & Links


Notes / Actions / Next Steps

Newcomer introductions

Five minutes to learn about people who are new to the group

Lucas Gonze 


Staffing Update

Welcome Sandra \o/


 Recommendation to TSC, call out future workstream to support K8s, up to feature working group. eBPF still being discussed

Action Item - Let's split this section to separate K8S row (already exists below) and keep this for 1.9 update (Som)

Yogesh Pandey for 1.9

Som Sikdar  Docs and K8

v 1.9

k8s section will be updated separately

Yogesh Pandey for 1.9

Som Sikdar  Docs and K8

Update on 1.9 features:

Update on DevOps activity

  • CI/CD of S1AP is still in red due to some token issue.
  • A new PR was raised to fix the same.
  • All OVS PRs need to be merged for branch cut.

The current ASN compiler is having a few issues. Not able to decode few packets. Need to move to a new compiler. Proposal for new asn compiler up for discussion.

  1. ASN.1 compiler is broken - this is turning into a blocker
  2. (Jordan) - use current compiler for 1.9 and start a separate thread for v 2.0 and attach the new ASN proposal in that thread


OpenSSF Best Practices Badge


Lucas Gonze 


2 Ben - put forward acceptance vote to TSC via email  Two work items will come out of this,

9 Updates

  • Work complete. Ready for acceptance vote.
  • Bug Bounty Program

    Sept 25 Updates

    Progress made on documentation -

    Task definition was too loose to come up with a bounty 

    Lucas - If bounty should be for community members already cleared?

    Jordan- bounty is to bring in new members, there's already a mechanism for members already contributing

    Proposal to move Magma to LF Connectivity

    Request for comments on a proposal to move Magma to Linux Foundation for connectivity to facilitate more symbiotic community growth:

    1. Shared folder with proposal and FAQ (read-only)
    2. Doc to collect questions from community (read/write)
    3. magma-lfc - magma - Slack

    Som Sikdar 

    Oct 2 update: (Som)

    • Proposal has been provided by LF legal
    • LF Connectivity is reviewing on Oct 11
    • Target is to complete legal requirements completed for the Oct 26 townhall to be a LFC event
    • Adding agenda item for LFC 

    OCT  9 - No new update

    Outreach Report

    Outreach group met on August 17. Notes on update column to the right ->

    Upcoming town hall meeting planner - (Magma Townhall Planner - September, 2023 - Google Docs
    Secured Town Hall keynote speaker

    Magma @OSSEU Planner Sept 18th 1/2 day - Cancelled

    • Starter kit
    • Town Hall

    Som Sikdar 

    Action items: (Oct


    9 Updates):

    1. ongoing items
      1. LF Connectivity advisory board
    can attend the town hall meeting if moved to Oct 26th
  • Discussed on slack and 26th is ok with TSC
  • (Som) Recommend that Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) work on putting calendar invite for the townhall for Oct 26
      1. confirmed for OCT 26th
      2. Invitation has gone out
      3. (Som) at
        Magma Townhall Planner - October , 2023 - Google Docs

      4. (Som) Create a one-pager for items that will be a 'Magma Community Edition' starter kit
        -- MagmaCommunityEdition - Starter Kit Overview - Google Docs

    -- TSC, should we consider renaming v 1.9 to MCE 1.0? (Magma Community Edition v 1.0)
    -- Pano - marketing support for previous releases? There were blog posts for 1.8, 1.7., 2.0 would deserve a press release and blog post. Som - starter kit would deserve a webinar, Pano - better to coincide with major version release. 1.9 blog update, 2.0 larger release (blog, pr, technical brief, webinar). Som 2.0 1-1.5 years away
    -- Som - starter kit is an important piece that will help community adoption.

    -- Aim to acheive consensus next week. 

    2. Feedback from Lucas Gonze - we need to start thinking about a working group, hopefully with new participants - who can offer ideas on the starter kit documentation. Existing contributors are maxed out and it will be useful to get feedback fom actual deployers


    Sept 25 Updates

     From SOM → "LF Connectivity TAB requested if Magma would consider Oct 26th for the town hall instead of 24th


    All three TAB members are excited to attend - but two of them have conflicts on the 24th"

    • Fewer people due to not being a better day but also having more TAB people present
    Bruno → Still under investigation, not clear right now


    General discussion on interest in eBPF project (migration from OVS)

    • Consolidated eBPF and k8s workstream will be tracked here

    Sept 25 Updates

    OCT 9 

    (Bruno) - Work in progress for a proposal.

    TSC Election

    Special TSC Election For Max's Seat

    Sept 25 Updates

    OCT 9 status - Seat has been kept open

    • Ben - Seat can stay open, or the TSC can change the charter.
    • Lucas → Do another round of community outreach prior to looking at ammending the charter. 

    Reminder to Review Latest Q&A

    Review new GitHub offline
    User Story Ideas
    • Looking for User Stories, how someone is using Magma.
    • Problem | Solution | Benefit
    • 2 Pager
    • Email or Slack Pano
      • Possibly Bruno
      • Yogesh has a potential one, will circle back next week.
      • Lucas → persons in slack might have good user stories, Yogesh can reach out
    Secret scanningReview latest output Gonze 
