In advance of a meeting
The program manager ensures an entry for the next meeting is initialized. (This is the same as item 3b below).
Any community member could add items to the "new business" list
During the meeting
Each attendee is asked to add themselves to the list.
An attendee steps forward to act as program manager
The program manager records minutes and action items for each agenda item.
After the meeting the program manager
Records a list of follow-up tasks. These are extracted from the minutes.
Initializes the entry for the next meeting. (This is the same as item 1a above)
Records votes and decisions by consensus in the Decision Log
After the quarter
Freeze this document, with added ending date in place of "the present", and spin up a new one
This document is structured per consensus in the TSC on January 29, 2024 and Proposal: new format for TSC agenda #15372.
Meeting-by-Meeting Entries
(Template entry: do not edit) Month day, year
New Business
Standing Topics
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Outreach Report. Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A.
Security updates
standing agenda item for
standing agenda item for defining 1.10: Discontinuing domain proxy
Review Latest Q&A
(NEXT) Month day, year
New Business
TSC elections
Governance page at has stale data
Standing Topics
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Outreach Report. Starter Kit.
Security updates
standing agenda item for
standing agenda item for defining 1.10: Discontinuing domain proxy
Review Latest Q&A
Jan 6, 2025
Micky Kumar
Dr Amanda Martin
Jim Blakley
Som Sikdar
Lucas Amaral
Sai venkatesh Addala
Yogesh Pandey
New Business
Issue Ticket to review and close:
This is blocked on broken master branch. The problems are not with the PR. Must migrate to newer Ubuntu.
Status of Sentry
Is it still used? Should we kill #devops-sentry?
Useful for integration testing but increases size of image quite a lot
Consensus: if a volunteer can be found to disable this, they are welcome
Standing Topics
Should we create a new page for new year?
consensus: yes. Mickey will implement.
Calling elections
Amanda to lead
JFrog is the blocker. Meeting this coming Thursday.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Master PO for procurement and logisitics have been placed from LF
The radio and HK AGW vendors require up front payment. This has been coordinated with the logistics vendor. They have agreed to float that amount which will speed up procurement
TSC needs to put together Starter Kit allocation process
Outreach Report
Community meeting
1/15 at 9 ET tentative date. Som to lead. Gather presentations. Post to LinkedIn. Title “Magma Community Meeting: CMU case study, latest 5G updates”. Amanda to add to LF public calendar.
Reminder we have to resurrect the PR plan wrt the release of 1.9 release. Currently this is tentatively scheduled (with LF marketing) for mid-Jan
Micky Kumar had suggested we start planning for CY2025 outreach activities so that we have a formal plan. I highly recommend it and would like to dicuss as to the main goals of outreach at this point of the project
PSA: The monthly OCP Evenstar/LF Connectivity call is scheduled fro Jan 7 (tomorrow) @ 7AM Pacific
Code Block OCP Evenstar <> Linux Foundation Connectivity Sync-up Tuesday, January 7⋅7:00 – 8:00am Monthly on the first Tuesday 14 guests 6 yes 1 no, 2 maybe, 5 awaiting *Updating to Zoom* Zoom Details Meeting ID: 882 3477 3868 Passcode: 761932 --- One tap mobile +13092053325,,88234773868# US +13126266799,,88234773868# US (Chicago) --- Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Find your local number: 10 minutes before
Security updates
standing agenda item for
standing agenda item for defining 1.10: Discontinuing domain proxy
Minutes: CMU is planning to use it and doesn’t have an alternative. If we plan to kill it, need to identify and document an alternative, ideally one that is open source. Radio vendors sometimes provide one but they are specific to each radio. Lucas G suggests moving to a standalone repo. Yogesh points out that it needs to be tightly integrated with Orc8r. We can disable the CI job for DP. Would need architectural changes. It is hard to have the DP be a standalone for use outside of Magma. Som suggests feature flag to disable in CI.
Disable in CI if possible, maybe behind a feature flag
Review Latest Q&A
December 16, 2024
Lucas Gonze
MIcky Kumar
Dr. Amanda Martin
Som Sikdar
Jim Blakley
Jorge Vargas
Sai venkatesh Addala
Lucas Amaral
Jordan Vrtanoski
Yogesh Pandey
New Business
Jim announcement
Fixing Som’s account (added to approvers-tsc group)
Jordan to create account on jFrog using LF-ID and share w/ Andrew Grimberg from LF IT
Standing Topics
Testing ongoing and going well. jFrog blocker.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
Micky to cancel 12/23 and 12/27 meeting
December 09, 2024
Micky Kumar
Amanda Martin
Jim Blakley
Yogesh Pandey
Sai venkatesh Addala
Som Sikdar
New Business
Picking accounts for Dockerhub admin
Magma Deployer
Standing Topics
Google Calendar has been updated.
For Slack Notification, It is asking Micky to connect to personal google Account.
Recommendation: For now, Manually post a notification when there is a meeting (1 hour before meeting time).
Need to figure out future ownership
Amanda to implement
Owner: LF
This is currently magma@linuxfoundation
Forward to tsc@ list.
Admin: Jordan and Micky
Bottlenecked on GPG keys.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
LF top level PO has been issued. We will get estimates of when all the components of the kit are expected to be in FGI
We need to start a new proposal to determine how these issues will allocated and managed (Som Sikdar will created issues)
We need to discuss #15497 and start planning the SW, documentation and docs
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Som Sikdar updated Jill Lovato about the TSC decision to push out the v1.9 PR to next month, - subject to the v1.9 artifact and downloadable release. We will restart the thread mid-January
Reminder to TSC about the offer from OCP (Bijan Nowroozi) to present OCP/Evenstart to Magma. QQ - should we try to hold this in December or in Jan?
Should we consider including the starter kit in the Jan v1.9 PR?
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
December 02, 2024
Micky Kumar
Jordan Vrtanoski
Som Sikdar
Jim Blakley
Yogesh Pandey
Sai venkatesh Addala
Lucas Gonze
New Business
Discussion of workflows for payments, approvals, and acceptances. Need to get acceptance of proposed budget carveouts. Differentiation between approved proposals, future proposals, cash-outlay proposals. Consensus on allowing proposers of accepted proposals to start work without TAB approval or a PO AT THEIR OWN RISK.
New contract to adjust to Veltris name change
Standing Topics
Micky is waiting access to fix google calendar →
only blocker is artifact hosting. Need to get ahead of the domain expiration issue. Jordan will hack the hands-on work.
press release: blocked on artifact hosting. Schedule press release to after the holidays. Som to get back to Jill Lovato.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Project management on ASN compiler update. We need a ticket, a proposal, approval from the TSC, a slot in the proposals kanban. Here are related materials:
(copying Yogesh message in Slack) The proposal link has the amount mentioned in it. The pull request is approved and 4G and 5G testing is covered in the same. It is planned for merge post 1.9 on to master.
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
November 25, 2024
Tapas Mishra
Mickey Kumar
Jordan Vrtanoski
Lucas Gonze
Yogesh Pandey
Lucas Amaral (Connect5G)
Suresh Gorijavolu
Jim Blakley
New Business
Spurious linter errors in
Standing Topics
Google Calendar updates. See below table. Also, fix notifications in Slack #Calendar comes up.
Vote process. We voted on something last week, but didn’t have a proposal.
Jordan to write a proposal and share for discussion
Old wiki page missing
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
Calendar Table
Meeting | Time | Keep? | Calendar update |
Magma Weekly TSC Meeting | Weekly Monday - 8AM PST | yes | Fix missing notification in Slack. Sandra to grant admin privs to TSC members. |
Magma Devops Meeting | Weekly Wednesday - 8AM PST | merge with engineering | delete |
Magma Devops Meeting | Monthly Wednesday - 8AM PST | merge with engineering | delete |
Magma Engineering Monthly | Monthly Thursday - 8AM PST | Merge with Devops meeting. Put on 2nd week, biweekly. Pull back one hour, to before Outreach | Sandra or any TSC member with permissions |
Magma Security Working Group | Biweekly Wednesday - 8AM PST Biweekly Monday 30 mins before TSC | Cancel Wednesday Keep Monday | Sandra or any TSC member with permissions. Need to switch from Mickey’s private Zoom account to LF’s Zoom account. |
Magma Outreach Working Meeting | Weekly Thursday - 8AM PST | No plans to change | Sandra or any TSC member with permissions |
November 18, 2024
Jorge (Ericsson)
Sai (Veltris)
New Business
Sai introduction: he is leading 5G 1.9 testing
Should we Restart the Engineering call?
make a list of all meetings and review with the group in TSC Micky Kumar
form consensus (TSC)
edit the Google Calendar in the LFX tool to reflect consensus Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Standing Topics
Magma Google Calendar:
There is 2 Devops meeting - One weekly and one monthly
Security Meeting needs to be updated to bi-weekly Monday 7:30AM PT
2 open items remaining to conclude 1.9
Artifactory GPG key expiration
consensus on moving to release artifactory
vote next Monday on whether to merge the final PR, with final move to production the following Monday
Jordan Vrtanoski to do the merge
Declare victory on
press release
Shah quote to finalize
Jordan quote finalize
Release notes completion by Jordan
Yogesh Pandey to assist Jim with finding orc8r assets
Review board
Make sure new items have card
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report including Starter Kit:
A monthly call with OCP is now on calendar. They are eager to collaborate for OpenRAN/Evenstar
Som Sikdar will work with Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) to get this monthly meeting on caledar
Starter Kit - Approved by LFC adv board and LF. Combination here
Need to proceed wtih PO. It will be great to get this rolling ASAP to avoid end of year slowdown.
Som calls for a vote to move forward post haste
ask IT to cover the budget and issue the order
Motion: Som
Second: Jim
+1: Jordan, Lucas, Yogesh
OCP has offered to do a OCP-introduction hour to LFC/Magma - should we set this up on one of the TSC or other meeting
Budget approval update? I (Som) understand that the request for 2025 fund allocation has was not been taken up reviewed by TAB last time due to time constraints. (Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) can you please confirm?) I spoke with TAB to get two meetings on Calendar per month for the next six months
One meeting to discuss roadmap and technical issues from TSC
One meeting for dicussing proposals and funding
Security updates
Book a meeting to discuss post-quantum crypto with U Penn and U Florida
Project management to incorporate U Penn's new testing tool for AMF in CI
Attribution in 1.9 for security submissions
SUCI PR cherrypicked from 1.9 to master
Review Latest Q&A
November 11, 2024
skipped for US holiday
November 04, 2024
Micky Kumar
Jim Blakley
Lucas Gonze
Sai venkatesh Addala
Sandra Jackson
New Business
Budget Input
View file name 2025 Community planning scratch .xlsx Minutes: Jim suggests defining overall buckets, break down the buckets into % of the total, learn the absolute values for the total budget. Iterate.
buckets - pass 1
core infrastructure
LF support
development resources
promotion - marketing
supporting deployers
starter kit
supporting contributors / developer community
talks at developer forums
town halls
buckets - pass 2 (see “community engagement” table below)
(Som) - let’s ask Sandra what the accounting line items are
Outreach meeting on calendar is not working. Zoom displayed ‘Meeting has already ended’ at 8AM pacific. Need to get fixed Sandra Jackson (Deactivated)
Standing Topics
Budget requests due Friday 11/8
dollar amounts
Jim to sketch an outline and reach out to sub-owners within the community. He will collaborate with Som.
Blocked on 4G testing (Jordan Vrtanoski Bruno Faria). Veltris will do sanity testing and call it a day. Jim and Lucas in support of shipping with whatever 4G testing Veltris can do.
Yogesh thinks all the important open PRs are in 1.9 already, except 15401. master is badly broken and will need either to be fixed or abandoned after 1.9 ships. He will work on 15401 in 1.9.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
1.9 patches
Secure administration guidance
Review Latest Q&A
Sai Venkatesh Addala
New Business
Arpit Info/Q&A
Transparency on funding rules. Pre-approval of starter kits.
QoS on paying invoices, fixing Firebase, charter updates
Standing Topics
Remaining work items for press release
Add comments for press release here:
Engineering resources to merge stricter input validation for S1AP/NGAP/NAS payloads
New disclosure with PR to merge into 1.9
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
October 21, 2024
Mickey Kumar
Bruno Faria
Yogesh Pandey
Jim Blakley
Sandra Jackson
Lucas Gonze
New Business
Election to fill open seats
Todo: research quorum rules. Do we need more people to have quorum?
Next election, based on 12-month cycle: March
Todo: research provisions for out-of-cycle election in governance documents.
Micky - Question: Should we a matchmaking page (Connecting contractors to hiring managers) in Github Wiki or confluence? Keep in mind, it will contain people contact email and where would be a safe place to avoid anyone getting spam.
Discussion: is the page public? Spam is a concern.
Discussion: is this in-scope for the TSC?
Not brokering connections, but making community members visible (Jim)
Slack is not necessarily available to new hiring managers or devs. This is an argument to have a web-based connection point.
Distinguish between TSC making connections directly vs just enabling parties to connect on their own.
Consider a page on LinkedIn rather than something hosted by Magma. Todo: research LinkedIn, Slack, wiki specifics.
Todo: post on #general to ask for ideas and feedback.
Idea: Magma skills badge for LinkedIn or resume
Standing Topics
4G and other test results from Connect5G. Capacity test and long-running tests needed.
Prioritize features
Performance Improvement in 4G core, migrating to C++ code and optimizing data structures.
5G SA support on container-based environments.
Testing with new gNB for 5G SA
Minor improvements in logging and unit testing infrastructure
Critical defects related to 5G NSA, SCTP event handlers etc.
Fixed known defects from past releases.
New artifactory support.
first time people: “check it out” (links to github)
“join the community” (links to )
“get release details” (link to release notes)
Kubernetes tests failing. Bruno to re-run tests. Yogesh to advise on running tests.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
too deep and risky for 1.9
If all tests pass and are green in the CI dashboard, this is not too risky.
Lucas to merge
If the dashboard is working and tests are green, this is not too risky
Review Latest Q&A
Update calendar entry for TSC meeting and other meetings (Sandra)
Slack alerts broken, need to grant admin rights to TSC, probably Jordan (Sandra)
Confirm health of CI dashboard with Tim (Lucas)
October 14, 2024
Micky Kumar
Lucas Gonze
Jorge Vargas
Sandra Jackson
Yogesh Pandey
Jim Blakley
New Business
Connecting contractors to hiring managers
Invite Atul Mahale to join some meetings. Outreach. Todo: give him the info.
Mickey idea: create a matchmaking page. Jim comment: ensure it doesn’t endorse anybody, whether hiring or developing.
Standing Topics
Follow-up on LFC call last week
Funding process
Sandra working on getting LF participation in a TSC meeting
About funding OFC costs: "Unfortunately, this does not fall under the regular LF outreach process and the approval was turned down." Who did we talk to? What did they say?
The reply sent to Sandra from Arpit didn’t have an explanation of the reason.
Maintenance on Calendar entries
Sandra to change link in invitation
Maintenance on Slack, e.g. to fix auto-posted links
Can the TSC get admin rights on the Slack?
Press release
Jim sent materials to Jill Lovato. She is doing a draft. Will probably have to provide support on e.g. history of Magma. Blocker is when we are calling 1.9 done. Deadline for announcement is when it is actually done and released. The day it is promoted to release branch. Todo: Jim will send Jill a note about the timing.
Domain proxy is fixed in 1.9 branch
Integration testing is green in CI. We are now about to merge PRs.
Open call for PRs to merge into 1.9
Ready for end of October promotion
Jim tried out the current 1.9 at CMU. There may be issues with UEs but this is not clear yet. TBD.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Lucas to review security-related PRs that haven’t made it into 1.9
Review Latest Q&A
October 07, 2024
Micky Kumar
Lucas Gonze
Som Sikdar
Jim Blakley
Jorge Vargas
Jordan Vrtanoski
New Business
PM attendance is important in TSC meetings. TSC requests that we be advised ahead of time if PM will not be attending. It will be important to have an alternate attend the meeting for communications to LF.
Followups on Security WG.
Standing Topics
Alternatives to POs.
Idea: meet w/ LF to define criteria for what will be funded. Define risk factors. TSC to ask LF PM to book the meeting with LF (Stephanie Wigel).
Meeting with TAB.
Calendar entry needs update. Wrong link. Other calendar entries need updating.
Not getting TSC reminders in Slack.
Jim to test NGAP improvement
ETA end of October to promote 1.9 branch to release build
Connect5G to do 4G sanity testing
Proposal: weekly call on testing
Press Release - Jill Lovato, LF PR contact, has suggested next steps. We need to follow up and decide on the content
Lucas to assist
Need to identify most important messages to get across
First community release
CMU’s deployment of 1.9 on campus
from Jordan: why this is important…
from Jim: CMU deployment
statement on future roadmap
Kubernetes is done but not merged
Yogesh to share list of improvements
C++ migration
Security updates
Som and Lucas to coordinate with Jill Lovato
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Som is updating the proposal with Jordan’s feedback on factoring feature set. It will be shared with TSC this week
Kubernetes / container
Blocked on PR being merged, which was blocked on general CI breakage. Veltris is working on e.g. linter, Bazel. Domain Proxy fix (“Domain proxy integration tests with orc8r”) is not in the works.
Consider whether to keep supporting domain proxy, if it is truly broken. Somebody needs to reclaim the component. Veltris will do the first level of analysis.
Outreach Report
Request for advisory board meeting -
Som is trying to get a time slot with Shah and Shaddi on one of the standing slots - either TSC slot or Outreach slotShah has proposed 8:30AM pacific this Thursday (Oct 10, 2024) for the meeting. I’m checking with Shaddi
OCP Global Summit this month in San Jose - Jordan Vrtanoski is on a panel and Shah Rahman is speaking.
Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) - need to coordinate with Jordan for OCP attendance reimbursement
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
September 30, 2024
New Business
Jim gist project
Calendar reminders of meetings posted in Slack
Visibility. Perception of being inactive.
Standing Topics
Projects waiting on POs
TAB status
Documentation on LFC policies
QA on documentation.
Testing still needed
Clean Bazel
Clean lint
Clean sanity testing results
New PRs to fix bugs discovered in testing
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Som: “I have discussed a proposal to confine the radios to US only and acquire half of them now and half (5) down the road when we get more visibility on international request. I promised him a spreadsheet to calculate the final proposal - but I am backed up at work and have not been able to finish it yet. My optimistic ETA is this wednesday”
Lucas: the issue of being a non-profit project will need to be addressed
Kubernetes / container
Merge is blocked
Outreach Report
Reviewing the possibility of Jordan Vrtanoski speaking at OCP summit
Security updates
Review Latest Q&A
September 23, 2024
New Business
For 1.9 Release, we need to update around 1.9 Release
Yogesh and Mickey to work on any special instructions for 1.9
PR backlog
Fix is underway for “#32 6.574 fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500”
Yogesh to share other info to community via Slack
Dashboard / CICD is a blocker
Standing Topics
Dashboard, accounts payable and Firebase
Per Som about Slack thread, the LF doesn’t appear to be receiving any bills.
Jim points out that access to money is a blocker for simply avoiding LF
Som will ask Shah and Shaddi to come to next TSC. Lucas to start thread.
Debian package fixed
Linter upgraded but new errors appearing
6/107 tests failing. Veltris to address.
Need a scale test for 4G. Veltris doesn’t have the infrastructure. Need to exceed 600 MB AGW traffic among all subscribers. A commercial tool is required.
Next milestone: TSC vote to upgrade 1.9_test branch to 1.9 release branch.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
We need to resubmit the proposal with the two updates that LF has requested
Reduce the radio variations as much as possible for the initial buy
process and cost for receiving and shipping the kits
My recommendations is as follows (Som Sikdar )
Here is my suggestion for TSC’s consideration
Let's do 10 kits each with AGW and Stargate UE
Let's separately buy 5 4G/5G radios (US band)
We will use external cellular hotspot+Stargate for 5G UE - that way they are flexible for testing in various countries
We use the logistics proposal from Isolated
In future we'll get additional openran radios (5 units)
Submit the finished goods proposal we receiveda to cover one years of the program
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Security updates
Moving meeting
Review Latest Q&A
September 16, 2024
Bruno Faria
Micky Kumar
Lucas Gonze
Yogesh Pandey
Jordan Vrtanoski
New Business
Creating a new agenda page
Page load time is being prohibitive
Standing Topics
Need check-in with LF Legal on final status of charter and contributing
Branch sanity check done
Somebody needs to check the vanilla Debian package. Yogesh thinks one of the third party packages is missing. Veltris DevOps is working on that package.
Jim B requested an MR to be added to the branch. Parser change. Issues raised in previous TSC have been addressed. See Merge Number:
Need live testing of the branch. Jim will do.
Som press release is TBD
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
Som is not available but has written up the notes from the LFC meeting and sent to @Sandra Jackson for review and sharing at Monday's meeting (9/16/2024). However Sandra is not here to share them.
Security updates
Reboot this. Options:
Do security and testing meetings together in real time.
Consolidate with another meeting
Schedule on the fly
Improve attendance
Switch from biweekly to monthly
Put after or before the TSC
consensus: move to 30 minutes before the TSC. Lucas to reschedule.
Next step: think about it and come back to discussion
Review Latest Q&A