Attendees :
S. No. | Work Item | Discussion Items | Comments/Remarks/Pre-Read |
1 | Release 1.9 |
Planning |
Priority: High Contents of 1.9
- C++ Migration of 4G
- 5G NSA features
- Artifactory movement
- 5G Verification on radios
- Regular bug fixing as part of CI/CD
- Going forward need to see the focus area (Debian or Docker based)
- Doing both takes considerable time especially during release time.
Post 1.9, idea is to narrow it down to one option in order to reduce the testing time.
Any security considerations to be taken up with dockers.
- Good to have benchmark before 1.9 branch fork.
- Defect fixing
- Providing community support
- Fixing stack related vulnerabilities and testing the changes
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2 | Semantic Versioning |
| |
3. | Feedback from companies on expectations |
| Any community member planning to own testing (using automated and real equipment) before 1.9 cut. |
4. | Post 1.9 Roadmap |
items |
| Shall we make 5G migrate to C++ to have at par with 4G. | |
5. | Timing for next meeting | Planning to have it at 8:30 PM IST |