Time | Item | Who | Notes |
20min | Contributor Guide | Ildiko | - Recent issues
- The Docusaurus needs to be fully cleaned up
- Issue: https://github.com/magma/magma/issues/12707
- The issue has new comments that covers the investigation to ensure that all content gets relocated and covered.
- Good progress was made to decide how to clean up the Docusaurus to avoid removing information that should still be there, even if only as an archive
- Older versions of the Docusaurus needs to be cleaned up. Need to look into how to backport the changes we made to the latest master.
- Backporting in general is a tough a challenge in the project currently
- Lucas is working on cleaning up the Contribute section entirely in the current version
- Point to the Governance repo for charter docs and details on the TSC: https://github.com/magma/Governance/blob/main/CHARTER.md
- Community repo cleanup
- New content
20min | Collaboration with the Docs team and approvers | Lucas | - What is the relationship between this group documenting some of the contributor guidelines vs the Documentation team or group of people reviewing and approving the documentation changes?
10min | Events | All | OpenInfra Project Teams Gathering (PTG)- https://openinfra.dev/ptg
- Online event on October 17-21
- Magma has signed up to participate in the event
- Add a discussion topic about growing and diversifying the community
- Who's taking the lead in organizing the agenda for the event? → Ildiko to check
10min | AoB | All | - Maximilian is working on visualizing contribution data and was showing a a diagram to see the connection between people who are participating in the project
- The meeting on September 15 is canceled!