Highlights of the week 1st Aug`22 from Rashmi:
- Incorporated review comments on PR, https://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13335
- Locally brought up the Orc8r based subscriber DB. Issue was reported that on execution of basic attach detach test case from s1ap tester was resulting into Authentication Failure with emm_cause "sync failure"
But in my setup authentication is successful, but mobilityd is not able allocate UE ip address because subscriber is not configured. Checking the dependency of mobilityd on subscriber for IP allocation - As part of c++ migration, ported all c files to cpp for sgw_s8 module.
Highlights of the week 26th July`22 from Pruthvi:
- Follow up with the CI Issues document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eGPuYqQBqxn8TBH_pPSVGg77kzuUrKokgfi_CYOgYeE/edit?usp=sharing
- Debugged on Router Advertisement Issue for IPv6 testcases and OVS api call key error issue. Trying to get more logs for debugging.
- Found Issue with S1APTester that the attach retry was integrity protected and causing the test case failure with assertion. Raised Github Issue https://github.com/magma/S1APTester/issues/85
- Fixed CI issue with attach accept and TAU Accept for all the test cases and updated the PR https://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13139 (Merged)
- Addressed review comments over active PRshttps://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13138,https://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13295 andhttps://github.com/magma/S1APTester/pull/82
- Raised PRhttps://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13323 for reducing the overall sanity execution for failure scenarios
- PR reviews and follow-ups: https://github.com/magma/magma/pull/13060
- Meeting and Discussion Involvements: Attended Wednesday DevOps Meeting and followed up on Release 1.8 meeting notes https://wiki.magmacore.org/x/MwG7