Issue Ticket to review and close:
This is blocked on broken master branch. The problems are not with the PR. Must migrate to newer Ubuntu.
Status of Sentry
Is it still used? Should we kill #devops-sentry?
Useful for integration testing but increases size of image quite a lot
Consensus: if a volunteer can be found to disable this, they are welcome
Standing Topics
Should we create a new page for new year?
consensus: yes. Mickey will implement.
Calling elections
Amanda to lead
JFrog is the blocker. Meeting this coming Thursday.
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Master PO for procurement and logisitics have been placed from LF
The radio and HK AGW vendors require up front payment. This has been coordinated with the logistics vendor. They have agreed to float that amount which will speed up procurement
TSC needs to put together Starter Kit allocation process
Outreach Report
Community meeting
1/15 at 9 ET tentative date. Som to lead. Gather presentations. Post to LinkedIn. Title “Magma Community Meeting: CMU case study, latest 5G updates”. Amanda to add to LF public calendar.
Reminder we have to resurrect the PR plan wrt the release of 1.9 release. Currently this is tentatively scheduled (with LF marketing) for mid-Jan
Micky Kumar had suggested we start planning for CY2025 outreach activities so that we have a formal plan. I highly recommend it and would like to dicuss as to the main goals of outreach at this point of the project
PSA: The monthly OCP Evenstar/LF Connectivity call is scheduled fro Jan 7 (tomorrow) @ 7AM Pacific
Code Block OCP Evenstar <> Linux Foundation Connectivity Sync-up Tuesday, January 7⋅7:00 – 8:00am Monthly on the first Tuesday 14 guests 6 yes 1 no, 2 maybe, 5 awaiting *Updating to Zoom* Zoom Details https://opencompute-org.zoom.us/j/88234773868?pwd=eEtjT2pJcnIvWXplSGFiYWNLSlFFdz09 Meeting ID: 882 3477 3868 Passcode: 761932 --- One tap mobile +13092053325,,88234773868# US +13126266799,,88234773868# US (Chicago) --- Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Find your local number: https://opencompute-org.zoom.us/u/kbIa7gJyFS 10 minutes before
Security updates
standing agenda item for https://github.com/magma/magma/issues/15589
standing agenda item for defining 1.10: Discontinuing domain proxy
Minutes: CMU is planning to use it and doesn’t have an alternative. If we plan to kill it, need to identify and document an alternative, ideally one that is open source. Radio vendors sometimes provide one but they are specific to each radio. Lucas G suggests moving to a standalone repo. Yogesh points out that it needs to be tightly integrated with Orc8r. We can disable the CI job for DP. Would need architectural changes. It is hard to have the DP be a standalone for use outside of Magma. Som suggests feature flag to disable in CI.
Disable in CI if possible, maybe behind a feature flag
Review Latest Q&A
December 16, 2024