Magma Google Calendar:
There is 2 Devops meeting - One weekly and one monthly
Security Meeting needs to be updated to bi-weekly Monday 7:30AM PT
2 open items remaining to conclude 1.9
Artifactory GPG key expiration
consensus on moving to release artifactory
vote next Monday on whether
Review board
Make sure new items have cards
Starter Kit
Kubernetes / container
Outreach Report
A monthly call with OCP is now on calendar. They are eager to collaborate for OpenRAN/Evenstar
I shall work with Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) to get this monthly meeting on caledar
Starter Kit - Approved by LFC adv board and LF. Combination here
Need to proceed wtih PO. It will be great to get this rolling ASAP to avoid end of year slowdown.
Security updates
Book a meeting to discuss post-quantum crypto with U Penn and U Florida
Project management to incorporate U Penn's new testing tool for AMF in CI
Attribution in 1.9 for security submissions
SUCI PR cherrypicked from 1.9 to master https://github.com/magma/magma/pull/15568
Review Latest Q&A